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H.M.S. Communications, Inc.

FRS or Family Radio Service. The IC-4008A is ICOM's first FRS radio.

Icom's FRS radios are two-way radios meant for fun communications. The radios are extremely portable, you can use them on the go, anywhere, and at anytime. Keep in touch with family and friends while out at a mall, on the beach, out skiing, driving around, or nearly anyplace you can think of! FRS can bring peace of mind to parents who want to keep track of kids at play, too.


In 1997, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) set aside the 462-467 MHz portion of the high quality, UHF spectrum for personal, noncommercial communications. No license is needed to take advantage of these airwaves. However, the type of radio that may be used on FRS is specially built to follow strict regulations. Requiring no operating license or activation fees, FRS is free for any personal communications -- on land, at sea, or in between.

FRS radios are almost never bothered by interference from other operating electrical devices, such as jet skis, automobile alternators, or computers.

No Interference

ICOM's FRS radios take advantage of what is known as CTCSS technology; an internal decoding system filters out communications that are not transmitting using a specific, user selectable code. There are 532 different codes you can choose to receive FRS signals on. It is very easy to select a code, right from the front of the IC-4008A. Once your code is entered, you can lock the radio into that setting with the touch of a button. Only the people who know your code can speak with you. The IC-4008A remains silent as it monitors for activity on your code.

ICOM'S IC-400SA Family Radio Service!

The ICOM logo is a registered trademark of ICOM, Inc. All ICOM radios significantly exceed FCC regulations limiting spurious emissions. All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

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Last modified: May 15, 2006